As part of our partnership with La Tablée Des Chefs, we are excited to launch future food training initiatives in Niagara Falls, with a focus on food education for the youth of today. 

More than food security, the Bridge cares about food autonomy. For most people, growing up involves learning how to cook, prepare meals, and respect food products. This might reflect your upbringing as well. But for some people, the opportunity to gain culinary skills never happened. These skills matter. It’s one thing to be able to buy food. It’s another thing to be able to make food.

We are excited to launch two future programs aimed at giving every young person in our community the opportunity to develop these skills

"Programs like these are critical to help the youth of today so they can reach their goals tomorrow."

Community Member

"The Bridge is such an incredible organization, and I am so honored and grateful that we can be part of it. Our volunteers had such an amazing time at Third Space Café and The Soup Kitchen on Sunday morning and afternoon , they really enjoyed having the opportunity to connect with the residents and giveback to those in need."

Monat Manager

“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8

KITCHEN BRIGADES: Is an after-school program for children ages 12-17. Through a series of hands-on workshops, trained local chefs share their skills, teaching about food and healthy eating, along with the important values of helping and caring for others. Launched in 2012, the program is currently present in more than 250 high schools in Québec, and more than 40 schools across the rest of Canada! 

 COOK UP YOUR FUTURE: The second program is geared toward youth in vulnerable, under-supported places – many of whom are at risk of dropping out of school –equipping them with the essential skills necessary for developing their food autonomy as they move toward independent living. Mentoring and coaching these kids now gives them the tools to feed themselves and their families in the future, breaking the cycle of food insecurity.

Since 2002, La Tablée des Chefs has distributed over 17.6 million cooked portions and has educated over 65,000 young people. The Bridge is excited to launch and lead these incredible programs in Niagara Falls.




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