Who We Are
The Bridge is a mission church, food recovery operation centre, and a breakfast program in Niagara Falls.
We are a small, gritty, entrepreneurial community of faith committed to serving the wellbeing of our city. We’ve had a mission presence on Queen Street since 2014.
At The Bridge we care about social justice and are committed to our neighbourhoods and communities to see them healthy and whole.
million annual visitors to Canada's entertainment capital
lbs of food waste from entertainment venues produced
of Canadian population is food insecure
We Want To Change That!
The Bridge Food Recovery Initiative
The Bridge is excited to launch and lead food recovery programs across Niagara. Everyone matters, and everyone deserves access to safe, affordable, healthy food. Our focus is specifically food recovery of already made foods which can then be preserved and distributed. The majority of our pickups consist of food that has never left kitchens.
We believe every person is created by God, loved by God and inherently worthy of dignity and respect.
Showing up, Caring for the Vulnerable, Suspending Judgment, Pursuing Wellbeing, Embracing Partnership.
We see a city where everyone is safely housed and nobody goes to bed hungry, where people embrace our shared humanity.
How can I help?
We are glad to welcome new volunteers to help meet our growing opportunities. Our Breakfast Program is a perfect onramp for volunteering at The Bridge. As our Food Recovery project grows, so will our need for volunteers to support all aspects of the operation, including pickups, processing, distributing, cleaning, and maintenance.
As always, you can partner with us as a one-time or monthly donor. We make every effort to ensure your gift is wisely stewarded and maximized for impact.
Can I connect with you on social media? How can I see what you are doing?
Yes! The Bridge is active on Instagram @thebridgenf and Facebook @ ‘The Bridge Niagara Falls’. We also keep a growing media portfolio on our Youtube channel @thebridgeniagara
Is The Bridge a church, mission, or charity?
All of the above. The Bridge began as a church, but increasingly has the vibe of an inner-city mission. We are committed to gathering on Sundays for spiritual nurture and mutual encouragement, and to serving the wellbeing of our city seven days a week.
A leading value of the Bridge is our commitment to working with people across the religious, political, and socio-economic spectrum, respecting our shared humanity and responsibility to each other’s wellbeing. We are better together! As a registered charity, the Bridge is governed by a Board of Directors which is responsible for the vision, strategic direction, and financial integrity of the Bridge.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! We are a registered charity and any donation is tax deductible.
What is the affiliation with Third Space?
The Bridge founded Third Space Cafe as a non-profit social enterprise cafe. While are two separate organizations with our own unique Boards, we are committed to a warm and intentional partnership in serving our neighbourhood and city.
Where do I find information about the food recovery program, the legality of it, and how it works?
Food Recovery involves the picking up, processing, storing, and redistributing of already-prepared foods that would have otherwise been thrown out. Our goal is a partnership with every hotel, restaurant, banquet center, convention center, and long-term care home in Niagara Falls, as well as every mission, non-profit, faith community, and organization serving the people of our city facing food insecurity.
Keep reading about our food recovery program in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors